Updated GeoLite2 database and library.(writing will be disabled in next release) Data warehouse V1 no longer used for reads.API report requests now ignore backend parameter and use data warehouse V2 regardless.API summary reports now use data warehouse V2.Updated GPS movement map to better support large GPS position jumps when GPS data is intermittent.Fixed continuous loading loop when viewing the GPS movement map.Fixed problem with custom columns for summary reports being reset unexpectedly.Removed legacy code for data warehouse V1 backend from admin interface.Removed backend selection drop down list from admin interface.Data warehouse V1 removed from codebase.Disabling data warehouse writes causes player to retry later and suppresses regular player commms for updates. Display report records sent to server can now be queued or disabled to facilitate data warehouse management.

Please note, the filter value must be URL encoded.

The parameter filter can take a predicate which will be applied to a list of objects. Added new option to filter REST API results.This operation is used when filtering by groups in admin interface and REST API. Querying by a specific group now includes results for groups within the group (nested grouping).Fixed issue that could cause a failed blob upload to Google Cloud Storage to not retry automatically.Performance enhancements for client side filtering and group selection.Performance enhancements for server side filtering and sorting.Caching layer added for cloud configurations to speed up applying customisations.Fixed permission issue that prevented listing public widgets and templates if active user not granted access to groups.Cloud Platform SignCloud Version 6.6.4 –