LiveTV: tab focus on the TV Guide would jump back to selected tab during airings loading.Profile: the currently focused item could sometimes move off screen.Sidebar: a managed user's avatar was incorrectly set as a click target.Detail pages: display correct downloaded state of items initially.

Downloads: large downloads not showing progress.Player: crash could occur when switching to the next item on the post-play."Watch Together" sessions would sometimes not redirect to waiting room.Users with pin set, but without managed accounts wouldn't be able to create them.LiveTV: TV Guide will scroll to the top when changing tabs.LiveTV: TVGuide would sometimes show empty cells whilst in the background for long time.Player: ensure the original display mode is restored correctly when exiting playback.LiveTV: TV Guide channel lineups wouldn't load after switching users.The PlayStation 3 supports quite a few more formats for Music and Videos than the Xbox 360 does, including iTunes purchased music.Latest updates What's new in version The PSP game consoles can also access your media shared via Plex, including PSP/PS3/PS4. *In the app, use the PIN code to pair your Xbox Live account with your Plex account. * On the Xbox console, sign into your Xbox Live account using your Xbox Live gamertag. The Plex for Xbox One and Xbox 360 apps are currently available to Plex Pass subscribers. And before sync the content to Android devices, you are required to connect the device to the same network with the computer where the source file stored. The price in Google Play is the same with iTunes app store. To sync video content to Android devices, you also need to buy the Plex Media App from Google Play. Then you can find the device in the Plex Media server. To sync the video content to your iOS devices, you have to make sure your iPad/iPhone/iTouch are in the same WIFI network with the computer. It will cost you several dollars to install the Plex Media Player app on iOS devices. To stream videos to iOS devices, you have to install Plex Media Server on your computer, and buy Plex Media Player app from iTunes app store on your iDevice. Stream Videos From Computer to Mobile Devices via Plex Stream Videos From Computer to iOS devices (iPhone/iPad/iTouch)